Canvas + Kind

Day 03

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Day 03 of “My Heart”

8x8 - Gallery wrapped canvas

Today is the third day of 28 days of daily paintings that will drop first thing each morning. Each day, I’ll tell a little bit about my story as an artist and how it makes me who I am. I hope in sharing these little pieces of my heart, you will know how much painting means to me.

I grew up in a family with six children. As often happens, I was labeled as “the creative one,” and not by mistake. My mother is also an artist, though her canvas was a bit different than mine. She painted dozens of beautiful sets, and I often joined her for these creative adventures. She is the best costumer I know, and can paint faces like no other. This creativity helped me to develop my own way of seeing and creating and was always a great source of inspiration. It’s one of the reasons I ended up getting my degree in fine art.