Canvas + Kind

Day 19

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Day 19 of “My Heart”
8x8 - Gallery wrapped canvas

Today is the nineteenth day of 28 days of daily paintings that will drop first thing each morning. Each day, I’ll tell a little bit about my story as an artist and how it makes me who I am. I hope in sharing these little pieces of my heart, you will know how much painting means to me.

I had just started a series where I would post a new 5x7 piece that took me one hour to paint every day for 100 days when the unimaginable happened. The kids and I were on our way back from my parents house when a truck pulled out in front of our minivan and hit us head on as we were going 55 mph. While my kids had all rather minor injuries, I had broken my back, my sternum, and had numerous bumps and bruises. But painting was still there. It was about the only thing I could do for a long time.